2/21/25 12:52pm CST
i am interested in the performance of labour, even though its not natural to me. i think my interest in it was in hm. comparing it to immediacy, drawing begets immediacy, thats why i moved to paintings. paintings are performing this long attention that digital objects dont possess on the surface, but are processes tht have a lot baked into them... but maybe there are other ways to fight this immediacy. or to put this in tension. i have been told that i work best improvisationally, quickly, rather than long labouriously. which is true. i think i live in this space where i am drawn and seducted by the immediacy, and the too much ness, and the lights and the desire,and the color, but i also understand that part of me to be sometimes destructive. there is something protestant work ethic about it, like if i work long enough i will become saved, reach artistic nirvana. but maybe thats not true. there is a long black practice dedicated to improvisation. who am i to say that that is not valid or laborious? that is non hegemonic, it is just outside this long and short attention binary. there is also a width to the attention i suppose.
1/24/25 8:53pm CST
i am interested in the performance of labour, even though its not natural to me. i think art is neat and good and maybe it will all be okay. i believe that life is good and that we are good
12/27/24 11:03pm CST
um i think my problem is i am not a photographer, or a designer. that is, I do find meaning in the intrinsic value of making things and the skill that craft has to offer, although I have strong conceptual and philisophical draws
i think its like. photographers have to do less "work" in making the image, so more of the labour / decision making is left to the conceptual. look at ai art, the labour becomes done by the changing the prompt, you become a word machine. i ma not convinced that letting a machine make the composition and making decisions is necessarily good, nor do i think the important decisions should be made by someone who is not in the paint so to speak.
i think it all is interesting but. like someone who iloved said their is something magical that happens when you are making things with your hands. making making making, i like the performance of making something, an image a thing a whatever, the physical struggle to make an idea real is something that is intrinsically meaningful and grounding to me. the mediation creates meaning i think. the trust the effort . the relationship between being and nonbeing,
12/26/24 11:03pm CST
i think. thimgs are okay. I have a problem using things that will make me feel better. bc i feel like i need to not rely on anything or anyone. i must learn to trust the world .
12/26/24 11:01pm CST
art used to be a window or portal to something else. now its just a mirror. transparency, surveillence, visibility being a trap. ssssssssss
12/26/24 10:54pm CST
lack of shape + drape-- immediacy in fashion.
12/26/2024 10:52pm CST
rahhhh people are nice and good. watching things with sibling. watched queer by lucaaa. wondering what this is all about. all of the this-ness
07/08/2024 4:57pm CST
in my temporal era. time is good.
02/27/24 11:00pm CST
happy birthday geegi.tk
having a twin be like. picking up the fone, saying happy birthday, other person is like-- oh yeah happy birthday to you too. hang up
12/30/23 12:42pm CST
being pro mediocrity is being pro process . being pro expertmanship in art at least only promotes death instinct ? hm ?
12/29/23 6:41pm CST
feeling good and yet overwhelmed with the ideas i have floating around this semester.
watched across the spiderverse today. a great animated film. need to read more queer art o failure. very animation pilled which i enjoy okay bai.
12/27/23 9:07pm
idk why i feel compelled to write this.
but i just feel like all my problems are just manifestations of this deep inner conflict with myself. this deep self loathing, this big ego i am fighting.
every time i am in these states, it helps to do a couple things: be with people do yoga breathe
It just took
some acceptance with the events at hand, and some focused energy innerwards to take me out of the spiral.
it looks like this was true of this persons experience
everything would stop moving and changing , as soon as i would let go and face change. then things would begin to be "normal" it was like my inner conflicts instead of being abstract were built explicitly within my perception or subconscious
this essay is making me think similar things, as well as the ram dass thing it cites.
https://sashachapin.substack.com/p/how-i-attained-persistent-self-love#footnote-4-47192004which begs the question if it is connected with my perception or subconscious, which if its ever a question whether two things connect or not, the answer is yes.
this brings me to discuss the art thing
if i bring myself to care about everything and everyone
and if caring necessitates identification with the thing at hand
if i begin identifying myself with my work and things
i will begin to see myself in it.
and if the root, as soleste says, is all Me. and i have this inner conflict. then i am the one who need be fixed. i just. will start to hurt the things around me because if i am addicted to hurting myself
and i care about things
and caring means identification with an other
then caring for others will mean hurting others
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